Waiting on God's Timing
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:19 KJV
It is a great temptation to attempt to accomplish the will of God by our own plans and with our own efforts. We tend to run ahead instead of waiting patiently for God’s cues. Taking life into our own hands we clutter things. Ask Abraham and Sarah how their plan with Hagar worked out. God did not seem to be moving fast enough for them.
While out on an afternoon stroll, Moses saw an Egyptian master mistreating a Jewish slave. In anger he struck the Egyptian, killing him. He sinned, but it was also a misunderstanding of God’s plans and methods. Moses was keenly aware of the cry of the Jewish slaves for freedom, and he was also cognizant of his Jewish heritage. He naturally assumed God would deliver his brethren by the power of his political position. His confusion sprang from the fact that he was living in two worlds.

Moses had grown up in Pharoah’s court and was in line for the throne of Egypt. Power, privilege, and position were all his to claim from his earliest memory. The silver spoon of the mightiest kingdom on earth was firmly placed in his mouth. What better man to use than the mighty Moses, with all his power and influence, he surmised. The might of Egypt was at his fingertips and God had certainly placed him there for such a season. Unfortunately, for the man he murdered, he was reading the script upside down. The Lord would certainly use the baby rescued from the bullrushes, but not as a murderer. When a Jewish slave pointed out his crime Moses took off for the desert.
It took forty-years to humble the young prince of Egypt. Tending sheep out on the sand dunes of a desert normally gets the job done. Meanwhile, he was being groomed for one of the greatest moments of history ever seen. The epic story of deliverance from the grip of bondage to the freedom of Canaan land, featured Moses as the lead and hero. However, it was not his earthly attachments that would win the day but his connection to the God of heaven. The Lord took the fire out of Moses to place his true fire within.
In the desert, Moses was being prepared for his ultimate role in life. “Let my people go,” was spoken by a man who had been unknowingly practicing the line for four decades. Unfortunately, when it came time to deliver it, he hesitated. Moses felt unworthy to speak for God because he had a stuttering problem. He hid behind the sandstorm of fear because he failed to see a very important truth. Delivering the message to Pharaoh with a stammering tongue had been written into his story. His human deficiency was meant to be beautifully efficient in the hand of God. Nevertheless, Moses insisted on an understudy. Aaron stepped in and the edict was delivered. Oh, the patience of God.
In reality, God has not called us to do anything, but to follow Jesus Christ. He clearly stated that, “without me, you can do nothing.” Follow him today and he will give you the cues of life.