Every Dog Has His Day
“For I consider…”
Romans 8:18 ESV
Sometimes it’s just a dog’s day. Last Sunday afternoon Karen and I were sitting on our back porch, enjoying a cup of coffee, when we heard a rustling in the trees. Cooper, our Jack Russell immediately leaped into action racing toward the disturbance in the branches. Just as he arrived, the two squirrels, who had been causing the ruckus, fell from the tree and landed at his feet. Talk about a lucky break. I can’t recall ever seeing one of those fuzzy creatures fall off a branch much less two at a time. Fortunately, they were both faster than our dog and got away. But oh, the joy he experienced in the chase.
There are days like that for all of us. They are few and far between, but they do come, and it is usually right when we need them. God is good like that. He knows when we need a hug. He is keenly aware of every circumstance we face. God sees the finish line and he knows when to give us a gust of wind to our backs to spur us on to the checkered flag.
Our son John called the other day to tell us that he had had a very vivid dream about his Pop who has been in heaven for many years now. They walked around his old backyard and talked about the old days. John told him about his family. His Pop told him that heaven was a thousand times better than he had ever imagined it to be. Now you can question in your mind if that was a dream God gave him, but I prefer to let it be what it was: a moment that encouraged our son to march on to the high calling of Jesus Christ. Haven’t you had those moments that seemed to come out of nowhere to lift your spirits? You can’t explain them, and I don’t think you’re supposed to try.
This world can seem very dark at times. It is easy to get pulled into a place where we forget the promise of His presence and His return. As we sang in church Sunday morning, “I’m going to praise you in the middle of the storm.” Storms are a coming my friend, but the Lord is our shelter when the gales blow, and the sky grows dark. Never forget there is an all-powerful Son behind those clouds and with one blow from His breath all troubles and trials will cease.
Paul writes in Romans, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.” It is true that every dog has his day, and our day is fast approaching when we will see the One who is coming for us in the clouds. Until then, keep your eye on the open gate and not on the dog catcher.