A Christmas Thought
A Merry Little Christmas
Remove far from me vanity and lies, give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me.
Proverbs 30:8 KJV
A smaller stage could not be imagined when considering the birth of Christ. His humble beginnings, in a manger, seemed unworthy of the Son of God. We would have naturally expected a grand performance with a show stopping finish. In our estimation, His arrival in Bethlehem should have been played out in the world’s largest theater but what we got was off-Broadway, far-off Broadway. However, the marquee lights and top billing are never God’s way. He prefers small stages with barely a handful in attendance because he knows something we too quickly forget. People are not cattle to be herded but individuals that crave love and acceptance. His mission was never to impress, but to alter humanity one life at a time. He came quietly to a stable and He wants our hearts to become His Bethlehem.
When God sent His only begotten to the earth, he did it without fanfare. The supporting cast included a carpenter, a very young mother, an innkeeper, some shepherds, and a few cud-chewing animals. You don’t get more backstage than that. Did I forget to mention the angels in the sky? Even they did not awaken the sleepy town of Bethlehem out of her slumber.
God sent Jesus to save us from our sins. His mission was to reach every single human heart with the redeeming message of His love. This was to be a very personal matter. He desires to live within the four walls of our daily lives, not just the big moments. We who have embraced the lonely Carpenter of Nazareth have experienced a life brighter than any stage lights and more hopeful than the applause of an audience. We have experienced the glory of eternity within our souls and every year we go back to the manger to look and wonder anew. The story never gets old. While the world slept the night away, God changed everything.
May we never forget the lesson of the small stages. Every day God gives us is important. The curtain arises each day to an eternity of opportunities. He works in us as we share our lives with a small handful of people. Jesus said that a cup of cold water given to a thirsty stranger is a great moment in heaven. (Matthew 10:42) So, have yourself a Merry Little Christmas and remember to keep it small. The few people you share life with are those whom God has used to change your life. They are the folks whom He has blessed you with to have an influence. Remember it is not the gifts you open that are important but the ability to open your heart to the ones you love and to the Savior who died for you.